banyak sekali cerita dalam dunia pewayangan diantaranya kisah mahabrata dan ramayana . kisah itu mengingatkan akan kita akan pentingnya perjuangan menuju kebebasan seperti yang dikisah kan dalam ramayana di situ dikisahkan bahwa perjuangan sri rama untuk membebaskan dewi sinta yang di culik oleh rahwana akhirnya berhasil walau abanyak sekali cobaan yang harus di lewati tidak hanya harta taruhannya tapi juga nyawa dunia pewayangan juga mengajarkan kita akan arti hidup.
dalam kisah Barathayudaha disitu diceritakan peperangan antara pandhawa dan kurawa yang di menangkan oleh pihak pandawa walaupun jumlah nya cuma 5 orang tapi karena berada dalam pihak benar, didalam dunia pewayangan ini banyak sekali yang harus kita ambil pengalamannya dari setiap tokoh yang ada dalam dunia pewayangan . untuk kita jadikan tombak menuju kehidupan yang akan datang , agar kehidupan kita lebih baik dari hari kemarin , dan semuanya itu bisa kita raih dengan berusaha sungguh - sungguh , berdoa dan belajar dari pengalaman seperti dari dunia pewayangan itu.
Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010
Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010
Cara Mendaftar Facebook
cara mendaftar facebook tidak sulit cukup dengan mengisi kolom identitas yang disediakan oleh jaringan sosial ini
Bagi yang belum punya email untuk mempermudah dan memperlancar proses pembuatan facebook harus punya account email baik yahoo maupun gmail , setelah mempunyai email ikuti langkah - langkah dibawah ini..
1. masuk ke setelah itu akan muncul di dekstop anda seperti gambar dibawah ini.
1. nama depan anda
2. nama belakang anda
3. Alamat email anda ( alamat email yang masih aktif)
4. jenis kelamin ( lakatau perempuan )
5. kata sandi / password usahkan mudah diingat
6. Tanggal, bulan dan tahun lahir
7. klik daftar
masukkan kode keamanan
Bagi yang belum punya email untuk mempermudah dan memperlancar proses pembuatan facebook harus punya account email baik yahoo maupun gmail , setelah mempunyai email ikuti langkah - langkah dibawah ini..
1. masuk ke setelah itu akan muncul di dekstop anda seperti gambar dibawah ini.
1. nama depan anda
2. nama belakang anda
3. Alamat email anda ( alamat email yang masih aktif)
4. jenis kelamin ( lakatau perempuan )
5. kata sandi / password usahkan mudah diingat
6. Tanggal, bulan dan tahun lahir
7. klik daftar
masukkan kode keamanan
masukkan kode yang muncul dalam kotak , lalu klik daftar
apabila dalam pemasukan kode salah maka tunggu sampai muncul kode baru lalu masukkan kembali kode tersebut dan klik daftar.
langkah yang selanjutnya yaitu confirmasi facebook anda dengan cara masuk ke alamat email yang digunakan untuk confimasi setelah masuk klik link yang ada dalam email dari facebook . dengan mengeklik link tersebut anda telah menjadi anggota facebook.
untuk facebook masukkan alamat email dan pasword dikolom yang tersedia lalu klik sign
selamat bergabung di facebook layanan jaringan sosial dan selamat mencoba
sember gambar:
Facebook Jaringan Sosial Terlaris
facebook merupakan jaringan sosial yang sedang meroket dasyat saat ini . Pengguna facebook saat ini naik drastis dibanding tahun lalu. para pengguna facebook tidak hanya kalangan anak muda / atau mahasiswa namun saat ini sudah mewabah ke semua lapisan masyarakat .
Dampaknya pengguna jasa internet naik drastis , banyak sekali keuntungan dari jaringan sosial ini tidak hanya sebatas untuk iseng - iseng saja namun disisi lain lewat facebook kita bisa mencari dollar dengan layanan yang ada di dalamnya .
Keuntungan lain yaitu kita bisa bertukar pikiran ataupun gagasan lewat update status juga bisa chatting dengan kawan kita di seluruh Dunia . dengan facebook kita juga bisa menemukan atau bertemu dengan kawan lama yang selama ini berpisah .
tapi disisi facebook punya dampak positif yaitu apabila pengguna facebook salah mengunakannya misalnya : memasukan gambar - gambar porno serta video porno yang merusak moral manusia .
semoga facebook ini semakin maju dalam arti positif dan memberikan aplikasi - aplikasi yang baru sehingga para facebooker tidak mudah bosan. Untuk para Facebooker jangan sampai salah menggunakan jaringan sosial ini gunakan untuk kebaikan kita bersama.
Dampaknya pengguna jasa internet naik drastis , banyak sekali keuntungan dari jaringan sosial ini tidak hanya sebatas untuk iseng - iseng saja namun disisi lain lewat facebook kita bisa mencari dollar dengan layanan yang ada di dalamnya .
Keuntungan lain yaitu kita bisa bertukar pikiran ataupun gagasan lewat update status juga bisa chatting dengan kawan kita di seluruh Dunia . dengan facebook kita juga bisa menemukan atau bertemu dengan kawan lama yang selama ini berpisah .
tapi disisi facebook punya dampak positif yaitu apabila pengguna facebook salah mengunakannya misalnya : memasukan gambar - gambar porno serta video porno yang merusak moral manusia .
semoga facebook ini semakin maju dalam arti positif dan memberikan aplikasi - aplikasi yang baru sehingga para facebooker tidak mudah bosan. Untuk para Facebooker jangan sampai salah menggunakan jaringan sosial ini gunakan untuk kebaikan kita bersama.
Minggu, 25 April 2010 dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010
Paris. When did the dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010get divorced?
Theatrical deceit in football, faked injuries in rugby, even disturbing allegations in Formula One that Renault may have orchestrated a dangerous crash so that its two-time world champion Fernando Alonso could win last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.
And that’s just of late.
Cheating, of course, has existed since cavemen started competing for the best hunks of flesh from speared prey. But was it ever so cynical?
Blame the pressures of money, of coaches, of television, of fans, blame whatever.
But somehow, somewhere, too many of those in sports — at their own cost — seem to be forgetting the examples set by chivalrous predecessors like Gottfried von Cramm, the two-time French Open tennis champion who was famed for both his sportsmanship and his ferocious second serve.
This was a player who would apologize when called for foot faults and once refused a Davis Cup match point because he felt he had won undeservedly.
Perhaps it’s naive and idealistic to wish that athletes could be so honest now.
Take the case of Eduardo da Silva. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not — and that is a matter for debate — the Arsenal striker is now the poster boy for football’s problem of players seeking to hoodwink referees by pretending to have been fouled. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010Taking a dive, simulation, call it what you will, it all amounts to the same thing: cheating.
Perhaps, as Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger suggests, Eduardo is still tackle-shy after the horrific broken leg inflicted on him 18 months ago by Birmingham defender Martin Taylor.
Taylor’s right boot scraped down Eduardo’s left shin to his ankle, which dislocated to a sickening right-angle.
Broadcaster Sky Sports wouldn’t show replays because they were too distressing.
Maybe, just maybe, the subconscious scars left by such a wound help explain why Eduardo hurled himself to the deck when he and Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc found themselves on a penalty-box collision course during an Aug. 26 Champions League playoff.
But where Eduardo erred was not leaping straight back to his feet and telling the Spanish referee that Boruc hadn’t touched him, that he had fallen and not been deliberately tripped.
Instead, Eduardo allowed Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez to award a penalty against Boruc.
Suggesting that Eduardo could have piped up, could have been as honest as he has proved himself brave in recovering from injury, is not as far-fetched as it may sound.
Striker Robbie Fowler, then at Liverpool, did exactly that in an almost identical penalty-box situation in 1997.
Fowler won a UEFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 award for remonstrating with referee Gerald Ashby that Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman hadn’t fouled him.
Eduardo, in contrast, was slapped on Tuesday with a two-match Champions League ban. It is the price of his silence. He has no one to blame but himself.
Wegner called it “a witch hunt.”
Why not?
It matters not that UEFA dusted off an obscure rule to prosecute this case. Just because UEFA has been lackadaisical in the past doesn’t condemn it to inaction now.
Nor does it matter that there are far worse divers than Eduardo. Given how widespread diving has become in top-flight football, the whip had to be cracked somewhere.
And dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not, it cracked on Eduardo.
“The question you should really be asking is why are UEFA having to do this? The reason is that dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 players are increasingly trying to gain an advantage through simulation,” says former Premier League and FIFA referee Graham Barber.
“The players have created the problem,” he adds.
They need to be part of the solution, too.
Theatrical deceit in football, faked injuries in rugby, even disturbing allegations in Formula One that Renault may have orchestrated a dangerous crash so that its two-time world champion Fernando Alonso could win last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.
And that’s just of late.
Cheating, of course, has existed since cavemen started competing for the best hunks of flesh from speared prey. But was it ever so cynical?
Blame the pressures of money, of coaches, of television, of fans, blame whatever.
But somehow, somewhere, too many of those in sports — at their own cost — seem to be forgetting the examples set by chivalrous predecessors like Gottfried von Cramm, the two-time French Open tennis champion who was famed for both his sportsmanship and his ferocious second serve.
This was a player who would apologize when called for foot faults and once refused a Davis Cup match point because he felt he had won undeservedly.
Perhaps it’s naive and idealistic to wish that athletes could be so honest now.
Take the case of Eduardo da Silva. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not — and that is a matter for debate — the Arsenal striker is now the poster boy for football’s problem of players seeking to hoodwink referees by pretending to have been fouled. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010Taking a dive, simulation, call it what you will, it all amounts to the same thing: cheating.
Perhaps, as Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger suggests, Eduardo is still tackle-shy after the horrific broken leg inflicted on him 18 months ago by Birmingham defender Martin Taylor.
Taylor’s right boot scraped down Eduardo’s left shin to his ankle, which dislocated to a sickening right-angle.
Broadcaster Sky Sports wouldn’t show replays because they were too distressing.
Maybe, just maybe, the subconscious scars left by such a wound help explain why Eduardo hurled himself to the deck when he and Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc found themselves on a penalty-box collision course during an Aug. 26 Champions League playoff.
But where Eduardo erred was not leaping straight back to his feet and telling the Spanish referee that Boruc hadn’t touched him, that he had fallen and not been deliberately tripped.
Instead, Eduardo allowed Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez to award a penalty against Boruc.
Suggesting that Eduardo could have piped up, could have been as honest as he has proved himself brave in recovering from injury, is not as far-fetched as it may sound.
Striker Robbie Fowler, then at Liverpool, did exactly that in an almost identical penalty-box situation in 1997.
Fowler won a UEFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 award for remonstrating with referee Gerald Ashby that Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman hadn’t fouled him.
Eduardo, in contrast, was slapped on Tuesday with a two-match Champions League ban. It is the price of his silence. He has no one to blame but himself.
Wegner called it “a witch hunt.”
Why not?
It matters not that UEFA dusted off an obscure rule to prosecute this case. Just because UEFA has been lackadaisical in the past doesn’t condemn it to inaction now.
Nor does it matter that there are far worse divers than Eduardo. Given how widespread diving has become in top-flight football, the whip had to be cracked somewhere.
And dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not, it cracked on Eduardo.
“The question you should really be asking is why are UEFA having to do this? The reason is that dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 players are increasingly trying to gain an advantage through simulation,” says former Premier League and FIFA referee Graham Barber.
“The players have created the problem,” he adds.
They need to be part of the solution, too.
sumber: dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010
Paris. When did the dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010get divorced?
Theatrical deceit in football, faked injuries in rugby, even disturbing allegations in Formula One that Renault may have orchestrated a dangerous crash so that its two-time world champion Fernando Alonso could win last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.
And that’s just of late.
Cheating, of course, has existed since cavemen started competing for the best hunks of flesh from speared prey. But was it ever so cynical?
Blame the pressures of money, of coaches, of television, of fans, blame whatever.
But somehow, somewhere, too many of those in sports — at their own cost — seem to be forgetting the examples set by chivalrous predecessors like Gottfried von Cramm, the two-time French Open tennis champion who was famed for both his sportsmanship and his ferocious second serve.
This was a player who would apologize when called for foot faults and once refused a Davis Cup match point because he felt he had won undeservedly.
Perhaps it’s naive and idealistic to wish that athletes could be so honest now.
Take the case of Eduardo da Silva. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not — and that is a matter for debate — the Arsenal striker is now the poster boy for football’s problem of players seeking to hoodwink referees by pretending to have been fouled. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010Taking a dive, simulation, call it what you will, it all amounts to the same thing: cheating.
Perhaps, as Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger suggests, Eduardo is still tackle-shy after the horrific broken leg inflicted on him 18 months ago by Birmingham defender Martin Taylor.
Taylor’s right boot scraped down Eduardo’s left shin to his ankle, which dislocated to a sickening right-angle.
Broadcaster Sky Sports wouldn’t show replays because they were too distressing.
Maybe, just maybe, the subconscious scars left by such a wound help explain why Eduardo hurled himself to the deck when he and Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc found themselves on a penalty-box collision course during an Aug. 26 Champions League playoff.
But where Eduardo erred was not leaping straight back to his feet and telling the Spanish referee that Boruc hadn’t touched him, that he had fallen and not been deliberately tripped.
Instead, Eduardo allowed Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez to award a penalty against Boruc.
Suggesting that Eduardo could have piped up, could have been as honest as he has proved himself brave in recovering from injury, is not as far-fetched as it may sound.
Striker Robbie Fowler, then at Liverpool, did exactly that in an almost identical penalty-box situation in 1997.
Fowler won a UEFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 award for remonstrating with referee Gerald Ashby that Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman hadn’t fouled him.
Eduardo, in contrast, was slapped on Tuesday with a two-match Champions League ban. It is the price of his silence. He has no one to blame but himself.
Wegner called it “a witch hunt.”
Why not?
It matters not that UEFA dusted off an obscure rule to prosecute this case. Just because UEFA has been lackadaisical in the past doesn’t condemn it to inaction now.
Nor does it matter that there are far worse divers than Eduardo. Given how widespread diving has become in top-flight football, the whip had to be cracked somewhere.
And dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not, it cracked on Eduardo.
“The question you should really be asking is why are UEFA having to do this? The reason is that dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 players are increasingly trying to gain an advantage through simulation,” says former Premier League and FIFA referee Graham Barber.
“The players have created the problem,” he adds.
They need to be part of the solution, too.
Theatrical deceit in football, faked injuries in rugby, even disturbing allegations in Formula One that Renault may have orchestrated a dangerous crash so that its two-time world champion Fernando Alonso could win last year’s Singapore Grand Prix.
And that’s just of late.
Cheating, of course, has existed since cavemen started competing for the best hunks of flesh from speared prey. But was it ever so cynical?
Blame the pressures of money, of coaches, of television, of fans, blame whatever.
But somehow, somewhere, too many of those in sports — at their own cost — seem to be forgetting the examples set by chivalrous predecessors like Gottfried von Cramm, the two-time French Open tennis champion who was famed for both his sportsmanship and his ferocious second serve.
This was a player who would apologize when called for foot faults and once refused a Davis Cup match point because he felt he had won undeservedly.
Perhaps it’s naive and idealistic to wish that athletes could be so honest now.
Take the case of Eduardo da Silva. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not — and that is a matter for debate — the Arsenal striker is now the poster boy for football’s problem of players seeking to hoodwink referees by pretending to have been fouled. dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010Taking a dive, simulation, call it what you will, it all amounts to the same thing: cheating.
Perhaps, as Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger suggests, Eduardo is still tackle-shy after the horrific broken leg inflicted on him 18 months ago by Birmingham defender Martin Taylor.
Taylor’s right boot scraped down Eduardo’s left shin to his ankle, which dislocated to a sickening right-angle.
Broadcaster Sky Sports wouldn’t show replays because they were too distressing.
Maybe, just maybe, the subconscious scars left by such a wound help explain why Eduardo hurled himself to the deck when he and Celtic goalkeeper Artur Boruc found themselves on a penalty-box collision course during an Aug. 26 Champions League playoff.
But where Eduardo erred was not leaping straight back to his feet and telling the Spanish referee that Boruc hadn’t touched him, that he had fallen and not been deliberately tripped.
Instead, Eduardo allowed Manuel Mejuto Gonzalez to award a penalty against Boruc.
Suggesting that Eduardo could have piped up, could have been as honest as he has proved himself brave in recovering from injury, is not as far-fetched as it may sound.
Striker Robbie Fowler, then at Liverpool, did exactly that in an almost identical penalty-box situation in 1997.
Fowler won a UEFA dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 award for remonstrating with referee Gerald Ashby that Arsenal goalkeeper David Seaman hadn’t fouled him.
Eduardo, in contrast, was slapped on Tuesday with a two-match Champions League ban. It is the price of his silence. He has no one to blame but himself.
Wegner called it “a witch hunt.”
Why not?
It matters not that UEFA dusted off an obscure rule to prosecute this case. Just because UEFA has been lackadaisical in the past doesn’t condemn it to inaction now.
Nor does it matter that there are far worse divers than Eduardo. Given how widespread diving has become in top-flight football, the whip had to be cracked somewhere.
And dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 or not, it cracked on Eduardo.
“The question you should really be asking is why are UEFA having to do this? The reason is that dukung fair play FIFA world cup AFSEL 2010 players are increasingly trying to gain an advantage through simulation,” says former Premier League and FIFA referee Graham Barber.
“The players have created the problem,” he adds.
They need to be part of the solution, too.
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